Email, Feature Focus, Marketing, Social Media

Plan your social and email campaigns with Content Planner

Struggling to juggle your never-ending pile of marketing tasks? We’ve got the answer to your organized marketing woes. Introducing: the brand-new Content Planner.

Update July, 2023: You can now add custom events to the content planner calendar.

If there’s one word the professional marketer can be described with, it’s busy.

With a million things to keep track of around the clock, you need professional tools to consistently stay on top of your game. That’s why our newest marketing tool, designed to make life easier for you, will fit you like a glove. Introducing Content Planner, the organization and planning tool that helps you stay on track.

Schedule and plan seamlessly with the Content Planner

The Content Planner allows you to visualize your scheduled social media posts and email campaigns in an annotated calendar format to seamlessly plan your work well ahead of time. This removes scheduling conflicts, lets you plan ahead for seasonal marketing, and lets you visualize your marketing campaigns for the month in one place in a calendar format.

Use the Content Planner filters on the top right of the page to add filters for social media, emails or custom events.

Additionally, you can use the Marketing Calendars button to only show notable holidays and events for a specific country or specific religion.

The Content Planner displays upcoming seasonal events, allowing you to plan in advance for each.

Clicking on any popular event (such as Halloween or Thanksgiving) will open a tab with suggested templates you can use for that event.

How to access the Content Planner

The Content Planner is a Premium Plus only feature. 

It appears labeled as ‘Content Planner’ in the left menu in My Stuff. It is next to ‘My designs’, ‘My emails’, and ‘My social posts’, which makes it easy to switch between viewing the Planner and the actual designs you’ve created for your campaigns.

To add a post or email campaign to the Planner, simply hover over a date and click the + sign that appears. Choose between a social media post or an email campaign based on what you want to add. This will take you to the editor, where you can then schedule the post/email campaign. It’s that simple!

Here are some exciting things you can achieve with the Content Planner.

See all your social and email campaigns in one place

The Content Planner’s comfortable calendar layout allows you to quickly flip through all your upcoming social media posts and email campaigns and decide if you need to update anything.

You can see a small preview of each scheduled post/email campaign on the day it is scheduled to be posted or sent out. The layout shows one calendar month per page, which means you can see your marketing plan for the entire month together.

However, if you want to view only your scheduled social media posts, or only your email campaigns, you can toggle the respective filters to switch between views.

Stay on top of your social media marketing with scheduling

Social media marketing can get tricky with how consistently you need to publish content to stay on top of seasonal, and other trends. This is not always easy for a person to manage manually–especially if you’re a small business owner who constantly has other responsibilities to worry about.

The Content Planner’s comfortable layout helps you stay on track by displaying all your scheduled social media posts for the month.

Use the Content Planner with the email scheduling tool

Like social media posts, email campaigns also require a great deal of preemptive planning. This is especially true if you have a regular newsletter that you need to put out on a specific day each week or a specific date each month.

Try out the new email scheduling tool to help you avoid last-minute lapses and scheduling conflicts. This tool allows you to add the date you want to send your email campaign beforehand. This way you don’t have to manually send them at a potentially inconvenient time.

Use the Content Planner along with the email scheduling tool to visualize what your monthly email marketing plan looks like and figure out how to space each post/campaign out. This will also help you keep your social and email campaigns in-sync.

Create custom events in the Content Planner

You can add and display custom events alongside seasonal events in the Content Planner. This is a great way to keep track of project milestones as you plan out your social media and email content.

Add your event by following these steps: 

  1. Click ‘Add new’ on the top right of the Content Planner. 
  2. Select ‘Event’. 
  3. Specify an event date, add an event title and description. Click the blue save button to confirm. 

Create your own Content Plan today!

Ready to take on the marketing world by storm and become one of the most organized, professional players in the game?

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