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5 effective strategies for increased foot traffic at your retail store

5 ways to drive traffic to your retail store

Are you looking for innovative ways to increase foot traffic to your brick-and-mortar store? Join us in this exclusive marketing class where PosterMyWall collaborated with Lindsay Breitweiser, the founder of the CMO Lab. She discusses five key strategies designed to boost your store’s visibility and draw in a steady stream of customers. 

From limited-time offers to influencer collaborations, Lindsay delves into actionable tactics that promise to attract customers. Watch the complete video above!

Limited-time offers

Lindsay highlights the power of limited-time offers in driving foot traffic. Using the example of Chick-fil-A, she explains how offering 100 free sandwiches to the first 100 customers during a new store opening created excitement and urgency. 

Whether it’s a special menu, happy hour, or any time-limited promotion, these offers can entice customers to visit your store and make a purchase. Instead of creating a menu from scratch every time, use PosterMyWall’s free menu templates to streamline the process!

Customize this template here

Hosting events

Events can be powerful magnets for foot traffic. Lindsay suggests that hosting events tailored to different purposes such as VIPs, big spenders, or new community members, can generate buzz and excitement. 

These events attract new customers but also encourage repeat visits, contributing to sustained foot traffic at your retail store. 

“Bring a Friend” offers

The “bring a friend” strategy is a smart move for fitness businesses. This approach involves offering a complimentary session, like a spin class, for existing customers who bring a friend along. Fitness businesses usually use their established customer base as brand ambassadors, encouraging them to introduce new clients to the studio. 

It’s a win-win situation as it expands your customer network and also boosts foot traffic!

Influencer marketing

Borrowing somebody’s audience by partnering with local influencers or brand ambassadors is another effective strategy. Lindsay suggests collaborating with influencers who resonate with your target audience. 

Using the example of a boutique teaming up with a local fashion influencer, she demonstrates how this exposure can drive more people to your store, intrigued by the influencer’s endorsement.

Loyalty Cards

Finally, loyalty cards are a timeless method for retaining customers. Lindsay emphasizes the effectiveness of loyalty programs, especially in coffee shops. For instance, a classic example is the “buy 10, get the 11th cup free” model.

Offering a free item or discount after a certain number of visits incentivizes customers to return, encouraging customer loyalty and a consistent stream of foot traffic!

What’s next

Whether you’re hosting an event, launching a limited-time offer, or simply aiming to encourage regular visits, it’s crucial to plan about two months in advance. This strategic timeline allows ample room for preparation. Allocate a dedicated four-week period for promotional efforts across diverse channels, including social media, posters, emails, and flyers. 

To upgrade your promotional campaign and create visually appealing content easily, consider using PosterMyWall.

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