Marketing, Social Media

How to use Pinterest product pins to get more sales 

Want to tap into Pinterest’s vast market? Create Pinterest product pins to make sure you reach the right audience in style.

What are Pinterest shop product pins?

Pinterest is the social media platform where everyone goes to get inspired. Whether it’s outfit ideas, room decor, or even an invitation – people will definitely be looking it up on Pinterest and adding it to their boards! One super useful feature that Pinterest has for businesses is the option to create Pinterest product pins.

Shop product pins allow businesses to showcase and promote their products directly on the platform. These pins include extra information like product details, pricing, and a direct link to the online store where users can make a purchase. It’s a way for businesses to leverage Pinterest as a shopping platform and for users to discover and shop for products they find interesting on the platform. 

If they are already looking at what they want to buy, why not make it easier for them? It’s a simple solution if you have been wondering how to use Pinterest to sell products. It would be a shame to miss so many potential customers. In this blog post we are going to tell you everything you need to know about this feature and how it can rev up your business game!

The advantages of using Pinterest product pins: 

1. Increasing reach and visibility 

Like we said before, Pinterest is the place everyone comes to look for things. Whether it’s a product, a blog post, an aesthetic, a flyer, or a DIY idea… it will be looked up here. 

Turning a Pinterest photo into a product pin will increase reach and visibility for your business. This platform already has over 400 million active users – all you have to do is make sure your pins are visually appealing. You can choose from PosterMyWall’s infinite Pinterest graphic templates to make sure your product pins always look professional and reliable. 

2. Creates a seamless shopping experience 

The people viewing these pins are potential customers – they want something and they have come right to your doorstep. It would be unwise to send back a customer when they are clearly willing to make a purchase. 

Product pins allow them to directly buy the product instead of being redirected somewhere else. Users can explore your products, view details, and make purchases without leaving the Pinterest platform. A seamless Pinterest ecommerce experience is what will bring you higher conversions. People like it when things are kept simple, that’s for sure! 

3. Boosts web traffic 

Pinterest product pins act as a bridge between Pinterest and your online store. When users click on a product pin, they are directed to the corresponding product page on your website. This not only boosts traffic but also makes sure that potential customers land directly on the page where they can make a purchase. Higher web traffic for you right away!

4. Analytics insight (to optimize your approach)

Pinterest gives lots of useful analytics tools for businesses. Shop product pins offer insights into how users interact with your products, allowing you to optimize your strategy. 

By understanding which products resonate with your audience, you can fine-tune your marketing efforts and focus on what works best for your business. A good strategy adapts to change, it’s never linear! Pinterest offers insight regarding:

  • Impressions (how many times your pins have been views)
  • Engagement (like clicks and saves)
  • Conversions (how many views turned into sales)

How to set up product pins for your business?

Now that you know why product pins are so important, let’s get into how to do it? Here are all the steps to set it up:

1. Create a Pinterest business account

First and foremost, before you can even start creating product pins, you need to make sure you have a business account on Pinterest. This kind of specialized account gives you access to additional features tailored for businesses, including analytics and advertising tools.  

2. Verify your website

Verification makes any platform more credible and trustworthy. The same way that you trust a blue tick verified Instagram account more, people will be likely to trust verified websites more.  

Pinterest lets you claim your website, which adds reliability to your profile. Verification is a straightforward process that includes adding a snippet of code to your website or uploading an HTML file provided by Pinterest. Once the verification is complete, you gain access to enhanced analytics and the ability to create Shop Product Pins.

3. Create a Pinterest catalog

Next on the agenda is to create a product catalog on your Pinterest account. This catalog will serve as a foundation for showcasing all the products your business has to offer. 

Pinterest supports catalogs from a bunch of different e-commerce platforms, including Shopify and WooCommerce. Follow the platform-specific instructions to link your product catalog to Pinterest and behold! You’ll be done in minutes. 

4. Enable shopping on your pins 

Once your catalog is connected to your website, enable the shopping feature on your Pinterest account. This step is extremely crucial for turning regular pins into Shop Product Pins. 

By activating the shopping feature, you will allow users to discover and purchase your products directly through Pinterest. No more finding inspiration on Pinterest and then surfing the internet for something similar. They like it? They can buy it! 

5. Create attractive shop product pins 

Now comes the fun part – creating shop product pins that are enticing enough to make a customer click on it there and then. High quality images taken in well lit settings, complete with proper product descriptions and details, that’s the kind of detail you want. You can also use the same tactics to promote an event –

Experiment with your pinterest product pins to see what resonates best with your audience. It’s all about presentations when it comes to Pinterest! Bring your design A-game to the table and let your business make sales by the second. 

Wrapping it up  

In conclusion, buyable Pinterest pins open up exciting possibilities for businesses looking to boost their online presence and drive sales. The advantages, from enhanced visibility to a seamless shopping experience, make them a valuable asset for any online marketing strategy. 

By incorporating Pinterest graphics templates into your design process, you can maximize the full potential of this feature and take your Pinterest shop to new heights.

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