Bars, Marketing

9 effective marketing strategies to promote your sports bar

Discover 9 powerful marketing strategies to take your sports bar to the next level! From broadcasting local games to offering seasonal discounts, learn how to attract more customers and enhance your bar’s visibility. Plus, explore how PosterMyWall’s eye-catching marketing visuals can set your bar apart, ensuring you stand out.

Are you running a sports bar and want more people to come hang out and have fun? Well, you’re in luck! We’re here to help you out. See, getting more people to notice your sports bar can be tricky sometimes. You want to fill those seats and have a lively atmosphere, right? But how do you do that? That’s where we come in with the top sports bar ideas for business. 

From using social media to hosting awesome events, we’ve got you covered. So, if you’re ready to boost your business and have a blast doing it, stick around! 

1. Broadcast local & national games

When you open a sports bar, it’s smart to figure out which teams people in your area root for. Let’s take football. You want to show football matches for those teams to build a loyal group of customers. These super fans are your main focus, so it’s crucial to give them what they want.

Sometimes the local teams don’t play, but that doesn’t mean your bar has to be quiet. Instead of shutting down, you can air prominent football matches happening across the country. Plus, incorporating innovative football promotion ideas for bars can also increase the excitement and engagement levels.

Altogether, showing both local and national games for all the major sports gives people a reason to hang out at your place, whether their team is playing or not. It’s like turning your bar into the ultimate sports destination where everyone feels welcome, no matter who they’re rooting for.

2. Televise pay-per-view events 

Pay-per-view events are huge matches or fights in sports, like boxing or MMA that people pay extra to watch. They’re like the grand finals or championship matches of these sports. These events aren’t shown on regular TV channels; instead, fans have to buy them individually to watch at home. But here’s the kicker: a lot of people don’t want to watch them alone at home. They’d rather come to a sports bar, where they can enjoy the excitement with friends and fellow fans on big screens. 

That’s where your sports bar comes in handy. Sure, it might cost you a bit extra for the subscription, but it’s an easy way to fill up your bar. Spread the word on your social media or put up flyers around your place to let customers know you’re hosting a watch party. You can even charge a small fee for people coming in to watch the event to help cover the subscription cost.

3. Promote on social media

Social media platforms come in handy for sports bar marketing. On Facebook, you can share updates about your sports bar, such as new menu items, upcoming events, and any special promotions you’re running. Facebook is great for engaging with your audience through comments, likes, and shares, so make sure to interact with your followers and respond to any messages or inquiries promptly.

Instagram is perfect for sharing visually appealing content, so focus on posting high-quality photos and short videos of your food and drinks or showcase the unique ambiance of your sports bar. Use hashtags strategically to reach a wider audience and encourage user-generated content by reposting photos from customers who tag your bar in their posts.

Twitter is all about real-time updates and quick interactions, so use it to share timely information about game schedules, last-minute deals, or any spontaneous events happening at your sports bar. You can also join conversations around trending topics related to sports or local events to increase your visibility and engagement. Keep your tweets concise and use eye-catching visuals or GIFs to grab attention in users’ busy feeds.

You can use PosterMyWall restaurant digital marketing templates to create social media content for your sports bar and entice the audience to visit!

4. Design print marketing materials

When you open a sports bar, getting the word out is crucial. That’s where print marketing materials come in handy. You can stick flyers, posters, and banners around town or give them out to people passing by. Flyers catch people’s attention as they walk by, draw them in with bold designs, and make a statement for everyone to see. These materials show what makes your place special, like your tasty food and upcoming events. 

Use PosterMyWall sports bar flyers as templates to create eye-catching sports bar marketing materials! With a wide range of designs available, you’ll find the perfect one to suit your bar’s style. Plus, you can customize them with your branding and important details, making each flyer uniquely yours!
But here’s the cool part: you can take it a step further by adding QR codes to your flyers. These codes allow people to scan them with their smartphones, instantly directing them to your social media channels. It’s a convenient way to connect with your audience and keep them updated on all the exciting happenings at your sports bar with just a single scan!

5. Use email marketing

Using email marketing for promoting your sports bar is a smart way to keep customers engaged and informed about what’s happening at your bar. With email newsletters, you can send out updates about upcoming game nights, special events, and exclusive promotions directly to your customers’ inboxes. This personalized invitation reminds them to come hang out and enjoy the excitement at your bar.

You can also use email marketing to offer special discounts or loyalty rewards to your subscribers, making them feel like VIPs. Stay in touch with your customers through email to keep your sports bar top of mind and encourage repeat visits. 

6. Have an optimized website

Having an optimized website is important for your sports bar marketing. When your website is optimized, it means it’s easy to find when someone searches for “sports bars near me” on Google or other search engines. You want your website to show up at the top of the search results so that potential customers can easily find you. 

Additionally, having a website that looks great and works well on both computers and smartphones ensures that people can access information about your bar no matter what device they’re using. This accessibility is key to attracting customers and keeping them engaged with your business.

7. Invest in paid ads

Investing in paid ads is a quick way to show your sports bar to more people. With tools like Google Ads and social media ads, you can aim at specific groups of people who might really like your bar. 

When you invest in paid ads, you’re actively reaching out to potential customers who are already interested in sports or hanging out with friends. By showing up in their online spaces, you’re making it easier for them to find you and decide to visit your bar.

Paid ads can be a smart move because they let you control who sees your message. Instead of shouting into the void and hoping someone hears, you’re targeting your advertising efforts. It’s like having a conversation with someone who’s already looking for a place to watch the game. 

8. Create a cool menu

Your menu is like a playbook for your sports bar. Instead of just listing food and drinks, get creative with your bar menu! Name dishes or drinks after local sports teams or players. You can also make your menu fun by matching it with the hometown team’s jersey numbers. Customers can flip through your bar menu and see items listed as #12 Nachos or #23 Wings. Another cool idea is to print disposable menus with stats charts on the back, so fans can keep track of how their team is doing during the game. 

Use PosterMyWall menu templates to jazz up your sports bar menu. The templates come in all sorts of cool designs, from sleek and modern to bold and eye-catching. Once you’ve picked the perfect template, add your bar’s logo, swap out text for your delicious dishes and drinks, and even upload photos to showcase your mouth-watering offerings. Once done, you can print your menus or directly publish them online.

9. Offer seasonal discount deals

Seasonal discount deals can be a game-changer for your sports bar marketing strategy. Picture this: it’s March Madness, and your bar decides to offer a special happy hour during game nights. Fans are already buzzing with excitement for the match, and now they have an extra incentive to choose your bar as their viewing spot. 

Seasonal discount deals can be tailored to any time of the year. From summer specials to beat the heat to winter warm-up promotions, there’s always an opportunity to offer something extra to your customers. These deals keep things fresh and exciting, giving people a reason to keep coming back to see what’s new at your bar. 

PosterMyWall has a variety of templates for happy hour ads to help you make your promotions stand out. With creative graphics and effective messaging, you can communicate your offers and attract more customers. 

Score big with these marketing strategies for your sports bar

In conclusion, following these sports bar trends can help you grow and thrive. You’ll be able to reach a broader audience and engage with potential customers directly. For eye-catching marketing materials, use PosterMyWall to create designs and market them to your audience. With these strategies in place, your sports bar is sure to become the talk of the town!

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